
Patch Note 1.47

Desconectado Artemisa

  • *
    • Mensajes: 83
  • Super Game Master
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Greetings community.

- The new Fluitoras Armors have been implemented, however, they aren't available until 1 or 2 maintenances. We put them here so that the next patches will not be so heavys. More information soon.


- Due to a lot amount of users using macro in Hp instant potions we have added a correction that will neutralize the macro. From now on, "Young Water" "Gango Root Juice" will have a cooldown of 5 seconds.

- Minimap error has been fixed.


- Use of mount in flag war map has been forbbiden.
- Respawn time has been increased from 20 minutes to 30 minutes in these bosses:

King Yabba
Captain Shrak
Brutal bone face
General Langost
Prince Lemur
King Crab
Red General

- The doping event has ended and it's now working as usual again.


« Última modificación: Mayo 19, 2022, 08:55:54 pm por [GM]Artemisa »